The SPETSNAZ HYPOTHESIS of the Idaho Murders


The SPETSNAZ HYPOTHESIS of the Idaho Murders

What evidence was obtained in the Idaho Murders Investigations so far?

Idaho murder victims hands bagged to protect possible DNA evidence

Selected Tweets

Michael Novakhov | @mikenov |  

12.28.22: This investigation “as the group” – cluster, needs the use of the CLUSTER ANALYSIS tools.


Mr. Putin: Are the mass killings in US the job of your Spetsnaz GRU? If so, this is a sheer MADNESS and TERRORISM. It has to stop! Do not dig the deeper hole for yourself, it is deep enough already. These “operations” are the expressions of your emotional and political RAGE.

The “American Vacation” Or The SPETSNAZ HYPOTHESIS Of The Mass Killings And Other Accidents Of November – December 2022 – Selected Tweets

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