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@OSINT_MENA @birdhonks @Yemenimilitary Is this the dirty Jews?

The post @OSINT_MENA @birdhonks @Yemenimilitary Is this the dirty Jews? first appeared on JOSSICA –


Воєнні злочинці: OSINT-секція групи «ІС» оприлюднила дані на російського десантника з позивним «Мисливець» через @info_sprotyv

The post Воєнні злочинці: OSINT-секція групи «ІС» оприлюднила дані на російського десантника з позивним «Мисливець» через @info_sprotyv first appeared on JOSSICA –


@WarClandestine You have to be fuckin kidding right? After all the Ukraine bio-lab uncovering and OSINT, you have put aside all obvious mentioning of Israel… Did I miss something about you? Are you also controlled like Drainage and the rest? I thought you inquisitive.

The post @WarClandestine You have to be fuckin kidding right?
After all the Ukraine bio-lab uncovering and OSINT, you have put aside all obvious mentioning of Israel…

Did I miss something about you? Are you also controlled like Drainage and the rest?
I thought you inquisitive.
first appeared on JOSSICA –

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The University of California Will Stop Requiring Diversity Statements in Hiring

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@PH_OSINT @MargaretAtwood Do you think maybe you’ve been thinking about this for months because I’m right?

The post @PH_OSINT @MargaretAtwood Do you think maybe you’ve been thinking about this for months because I’m right? first appeared on JOSSICA –

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