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Russia strikes a children’s hospital in Kyiv and other sites across Ukraine – WKNO FM

Russia strikes a children’s hospital in Kyiv and other sites across Ukraine  WKNO FM
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How China derailed Ukraine’s membership invitation at the NATO summit – Euromaidan Press

How China derailed Ukraine’s membership invitation at the NATO summit  Euromaidan Press
Audio and Video Review

Europe’s Turbulent Politics

Far-right political movements achieved power in Europe a century ago, wrecking parliamentary democracies and instigating wars of conquest and genocide. Today’s far-right populists are not the same as yesteryear’s fascists, but their growing popularity on a prosperous, mostly peaceful continent has caught many observers by surprise. In the elections for the European Parliament in early June, there was a clear shift to the right. Yet it would be wrong to conclude that Europe, with its stated commitment to human rights and market economics, is hurtling toward a far-right revolution. The results in France’s snap elections dealt Marine Le Pen’s National Rally a stunning setback, for instance. In this episode, political scientist Veronica Anghel of the European University Institute explains what’s driving Europe’s turbulent politics. 

Audio and Video Review


Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность
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Opinion | The Palestinian Goal and the American Way of War – The Wall Street Journal

Opinion | The Palestinian Goal and the American Way of War  The Wall Street Journal
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Russia-Ukraine war live: Kyiv mourns as Nato leaders gather to announce aid package – The Guardian

Russia-Ukraine war live: Kyiv mourns as Nato leaders gather to announce aid package  The Guardian
Audio and Video Review

Will economic improvements in some counties influence voters?

A report shows America’s poorest counties are having their best economic period in decades. NPR’s Steve Inskeep talks to John Lettieri of the Economic Innovation Group, about their study.


Audio and Video Review

‘Body Electric’: If a bot relationship feels real, should we care that it’s not?

Experts say friendships can be good for health. What are the implications if those relationships are fabricated by artificial intelligence?


Audio and Video Review

In Philadelphia, a run club helps those recovering from addiction find purpose

We tag along up with a running club in the Philadelphia for people trying to recover from addiction.


Audio and Video Review

Moring news brief

The GOP platform for 2024 is public. NATO countries gather in Washington to mark the alliance’s 75 years of history. Transplant surgeons are using a new, controversial procedure to retrieve organs.
