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Stoltenberg: Ukraine’s right of self-defense includes striking military targets inside Russia – Ukrinform

Stoltenberg: Ukraine’s right of self-defense includes striking military targets inside Russia  Ukrinform
Current Searches

Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General discuss summit in Washington – Ukrainska Pravda

Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister and NATO Secretary General discuss summit in Washington  Ukrainska Pravda
Audio and Video Review

A new Banksy Museum has opened in NYC … minus Banksy

The Banksy Museum in New York City features replicas of 160 original Banksys. This one is called "Good Doctor," and was originally stenciled in New York in 2010.

The new museum is not authorized by the artist — who has explicitly denounced any use of his art for profit.

(Image credit: Isabella Gomez Sarmiento)


Audio and Video Review

How New Caledonia caught fire

It’s been more than two weeks since riots broke out on the streets of New Caledonia in response to plans to enfranchise long-term French residents in the Pacific territory. Reged Ahmad speaks to campaigner Jimmy Naouna about the ongoing fight for Kanak independence and what it will take to restore peace to the streets of New Caledonia.
Current Searches

Zelensky Issues Direct Warning to Joe Biden Over Peace Summit – MSN

Zelensky Issues Direct Warning to Joe Biden Over Peace Summit  MSN
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Czechia supports Ukraine’s use of Western weapons to strike targets inside Russia – Ukrinform

Czechia supports Ukraine’s use of Western weapons to strike targets inside Russia  Ukrinform
Current Searches

Putin Renews His Signal on Ukraine: Readiness for a Long War – United States Institute of Peace

Putin Renews His Signal on Ukraine: Readiness for a Long War  United States Institute of Peace
Audio and Video Review

“Монархия, мораль, религия”. Театральная цензура в царской России

В эти дни суд рассматривает дело Евгении Беркович и Светланы Петрийчук об оправдании терроризма – за постановку “Финист Ясный Сокол”. Когда и почему российские власти начали контролировать театр. Как в царской России работала цензура. Какие последствия грозили авторам, чьи произведения запрещали
Audio and Video Review

How New Caledonia caught fire – podcast

It’s been more than two weeks since riots broke out on the streets of New Caledonia in response to plans to enfranchise long-term French residents in the Pacific territory.

Reged Ahmad speaks to campaigner Jimmy Naouna about the ongoing fight for Kanak independence and what it will take to restore peace to the streets of New Caledonia.

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Audio and Video Review

Bette Nash, the world’s longest-serving flight attendant, dies at 88

American Airlines flight attendant Bette Nash greets passengers disembarking from her daily return flight to Boston at Reagan Washington Airport in 2017, at age 81. She died earlier this month.

Nash began her career in 1957 when flight attendants handed out cigarettes and got weighed before shifts. She earned her Guinness World Record after 64 years of service in 2022 — then kept working.

(Image credit: Eric Baradat)
