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Pope to visit 6 countries in one month: Luxembourg and Belgium trip confirmed – ROME REPORTS TV News Agency

Pope to visit 6 countries in one month: Luxembourg and Belgium trip confirmed  ROME REPORTS TV News Agency
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Pope Francis clarifies same-sex blessings, says conservatives have a ‘suicidal attitude’ in ’60 Minutes’ interview – America: The Jesuit Review

Pope Francis clarifies same-sex blessings, says conservatives have a ‘suicidal attitude’ in ’60 Minutes’ interview  America: The Jesuit Review
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NPR News: 05-20-2024 10AM EDT

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@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: Gantz slams ICC prosecutor decision: A crime of historic proportions

Live update: Gantz slams ICC prosecutor decision: A crime of historic proportions

— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) May 20, 2024

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@KarissonGerry: RT by @mikenov: Отцы и дети… Вы, возможно, заметили, что каждый раз, когда собирается российское правительство, мы видим группу старых и дряхлых людей, которые десятилетиями находились у власти и говорили о том, как они смогут решить проблемы, которые сами же и создали. Ну, сами старые и…

Отцы и дети…

Вы, возможно, заметили, что каждый раз, когда собирается российское правительство, мы видим группу старых и дряхлых людей, которые десятилетиями находились у власти и говорили о том, как они смогут решить проблемы, которые сами же и создали. Ну, сами старые и…

— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) May 20, 2024

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@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: U.S. suspects China of spying through undersea internet cables – WSJ The State Department believes that Chinese company S.B. Submarine Systems, which installs and repairs undersea cables, is deliberately hiding the location of its vessels involved in covert operations. U.S.…

U.S. suspects China of spying through undersea internet cables – WSJ

The State Department believes that Chinese company S.B. Submarine Systems, which installs and repairs undersea cables, is deliberately hiding the location of its vessels involved in covert operations.


— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 20, 2024

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Julian Assange can appeal his extradition to the U.S., a British court has ruled

Supporters of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, fly a banner featuring an image of Assange, as they protest in support of him, outside The Royal Courts of Justice, Britain

The U.S. is hoping to extradite the Wikileaks founder and try him for espionage. A court in London says Assange is free to appeal the extradition, the latest twist in years-long legal drama.

(Image credit: Benjamin Cremel)


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Hamas’ defeat, helping Ukraine win, best for West – The Australian Financial Review

Hamas’ defeat, helping Ukraine win, best for West  The Australian Financial Review
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G7 may use Russian asset profits to fund Ukraine – Central Banking

G7 may use Russian asset profits to fund Ukraine  Central Banking