Audio and Video Review

Aurora Borealis: The God’s (aka The Absolute, Hashem, Allah, etc.) response to the Putin’s – ROC crazy, ridiculous, ignorant FASCIST HOMOPHOBIA – News Review In 100 Tweets


Aurora Borealis: The God’s (aka The Absolute, Hashem, Allah, etc.) response to the Putin’s – ROC crazy, ridiculous, ignorant FASCIST HOMOPHOBIA: THE RAINBOW PEOPLE ARE MY PEOPLE TOO, AND THE MOST BELOVED ONES! KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THEM! – Google Search

Tweets – The News And Times Review –

Michael Novakhov on X: “Recent Searches – 5.18.24 News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 1h ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Recent Searches – 5.18.24 Aurora Borealis: The God’s (aka The Absolute, Hashem, Allah, etc.) response to the Putin’s – ROC crazy, ridiculous, ignorant FASCIST HOMOPHOBIA: THE RAINBOW PEOPLE ARE MY PEOPLE TOO, AND THE MOST BELOVED ONES! KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 1h ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Michael Novakhov on X: “Recent Searches – 5.18.24 News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @mikenov via #NewsAndTimes / Twitter Search

Recent Searches – 5.18.24 moscow crocus city hall attack investigation – Google Searchputin – Google SearchRussian MOD – Google Searchmoscow crocus city hall attack investigation – Google Searchnovorossiysk – Google SearchNovorossiysk hit in massive drone…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

BREAKING Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu states that he rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of a normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia.— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
LIVE UPDATES: Gantz says his party will resign from Netanyahu’s wartime government if post-war plan for Gaza isn’t presented by June 8— (@haaretzcom) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Gantz to Netanyahu: If you lead the nation to the abyss, we will withdraw from the government. Giving Netanyahu until June 8 to come up with a more clear war program or he will leave the government.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
🔥 Russia: Massive industrial fire in Saint Petersburg.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

⚡️ Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili said she vetoed the law on “foreign agents””This law in its essence, in its spirit is a Russian law that contradicts our Constitution and all European standards and thus represents an obstacle on our European path,” Zourabichvili said…— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @nexta_tv via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Starlink отключились при наступлении РФ под Харьковом, и это помешало украинцам отслеживать перемещение сил РФ, пишет The Washington Post. Спутниковые системы вышли из строя в первый день российского наступления в области, говорится в материале. По данным WP, такое отключение…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 17, 2024
posted 2h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥 Russia: Massive attack on the port of Novorossiysk by Ukrainian drones from both sea and air. What remained of the Russian Black Sea fleet was largely stashed away in this port. The eyewitness yells “They blew up the port!”— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 4h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

❗️Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили заявила, что наложила вето на закон об “иноагентах”. Ранее она упоминала о таком намерении в интервью DW. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – сказала Саломе Зурабишвили.…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Russia seizes Deutsche Bank and UniCredit assetsThe Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg has seized real estate, securities, and accounts belonging to Deutsche Bank. In aggregate, the court blocked assets worth more than €238 million at the request of RusHimAlliance, a…— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @nexta_tv via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥 Russia: Close-up of another Ukrainian drone striking the already burning Rosneft oil refinery in Tuapse.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 6h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter
“His mood recently has been delusional and dangerous,” one government minister tells Haaretz about Netanyahu. “He’s lost it, and we’re all going down with him. In his view, everyone can pay any price as long as he survives”— (@haaretzcom) May 18, 2024
posted 7h ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter

💥Ukraine destroyed the entire jet fuel storage facility at Russia’s Belbek airbase in occupied Crimea. Capacity was reportedly 450,000 liters. The adjacent building housing fuel trucks also destroyed, incapacitating any near-term operations from this base.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 18, 2024
posted 7h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

IDF UPDATE JABALIA: 200 terrorists dead Recent clashes in the northern Gaza town of Jabaliya are being characterized by military officials as some of the fiercest since the ongoing conflict began. Hxmas militants have been launching a significant number of RPGs at Israeli tanks…— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 17, 2024…
posted 7h ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 17, 2024
posted 1d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @RpsAgainstTrump via (@mikenov) / Twitter

По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @IlyaYashin via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Доклад вассала недоволному хозяину.Во время своего доклада #Си #Путин упомянул обо всех жопализаниях, которые он предпринимал только для того, чтобы задобрить своего хозяина. Кроме того, в своем докладе #Путин также упомянул послания, которые, скорее всего, были переданы…— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @KarissonGerry via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin in China 2024 – News Review In 100 Tweets— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Forged Red Cross Humanitarian Passport that allowed Nazi Adolf Eichman entry into Argentina where he lived until captured by #Mossad agents in 1960Taken back to Israel to face #Holocaust crimes he was sentenced to death and Executed in 1962 aged 56— leefer (@leefer3) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @leefer3 via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Putin in China 2024 – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
U.S Intelligence Is Under Assault from Left and Right— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
gallant vs netanyahu – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
gallant, israel and netanyahu – Google Search –— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Зеленский приехал в Харьков, на который пытается наступать Россия— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Украинские радикальные националисты не угрожают миру в Украине, уверены в МИД Германии.”Именно российский империализм лежит в основе агрессивной войны России против Украины, нарушающей международное право, и угрожает безопасности в Европе”, – говорится в ответе министерства…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
A strong show of unity on display in Beijing via @BBCNews— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
putin and xi – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Российско-китайские переговоры • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Российско-китайские переговоры • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Россия продолжает экспортировать нефть в ЕС через Турцию, утверждает Politico. Как выяснило издание, Греция вывозит из Турции российскую нефть, несмотря на уверения Афин, что грузы с российской маркировкой не принимаются. Расследователи пришли к выводу, что формально схема…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Заявления для прессы по итогам российско-китайских переговоров • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Note two paper clips: a signal of close Intelligence Services Cooperation?-Заявления для прессы по итогам российско-китайских переговоров • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

⚡️Volodymyr #Zelensky said that the funds allocated by the U.S. for #Kyiv are not sent to #Ukraine but instead invested in the U.S. economy.”These funds are spent on U.S. factories. We are fighting not only for our freedom,” he told ABC News.— KyivPost (@KyivPost) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @KyivPost via (@mikenov) / Twitter
For the sake of Israel’s future, listen to Gallant. Again | Haaretz Editorial— (@haaretzcom) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Jordan king says militant groups smuggling drugs, arms should be confronted.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Israeli defense chief’s message to Netanyahu, the artful fraudster: You’re to blame / Yossi Verter— (@haaretzcom) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Blood libel against Jews never went away; they just evolved. Here are the forms they’ve taken in the modern-day.Analysis by @MOhadIsrael Full story > >— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Решение Евросоюза о начале переговоров о вступлении Грузии в блок, скорее всего, будет отложено на неопределенный срок, если закон об “иноагентах” в стране вступит в силу. Об этом сообщает издание Financial Times со ссылкой на трех европейских чиновников.Как рассказал один из…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Ukraine’s ex-president Yushchenko has asserted that no Ukrainian politician would give up territory in order to end the war. It would be a “big mistake” for the U.S. & Europe to expect such a deal. It would only embolden Putin to attack again— Tat Atfender 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🌻 (@TatAtfender) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @TatAtfender via (@mikenov) / Twitter
From the grave, Prigozhin gets his revenge. Here’s what we know about Putin’s new defense minister and what it means for the war in Ukraine. 🧵1/14— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) May 15, 2024
posted 2d ago by @khodorkovsky_en via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin in China LIVE: Russia’s Vladimir Putin meets with China’s Xi Jinpi… via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Vladimir Putin meets Xi Jinping in China: cartoons – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin and Xi Jinping— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin-Xi Summit – The New York Times— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Not sure if I’m this pessimistic, but please read this op-ed entitled “Putin could now defeat Ukraine within months”. A real wake up call.— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Billbrowder via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The Imam of the Grand Mosque of Mecca and the Patriarch of Constantinople were among the speakers at an interreligious convention in Portugal.— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @VaticanNews via (@mikenov) / Twitter
‘We must power forward’ says Chief of Staff Halevi to IDF soldiers in RafahRead more >>— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
WATCH LIVE: Intelligence agencies testify in Senate hearing on foreign threats to 2024 election— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @NewsHour via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Russian oil, it seems, is arriving en masse to the EU via Turkey.And it’s all legal. 🔗— POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @POLITICOEurope via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили в интервью DW подтвердила свое намерение наложить вето на принятый парламентом в третьем чтении закон об “иноагентах”. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – подчеркнула она…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Владимир Путин едет в Китай на встречу с Си Цзиньпином. Карикатура DW – о распределении ролей в тандеме Москва – Пекин— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Парламент Эстонии принял закон­­, позволяющий передать Киеву замороженные активы РФ. Эстония стала первой страной, принявшей такой правовой акт. “Россия – государство-агрессор. Возмещение нанесенного им в ходе военных действий ущерба не должно лечь на плечи Украины и ее…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
#Putin backs #China’s ‘plan’ for peace in #Ukraine @POLITICOEurope— Helen Dee 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (@helendee70) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @helendee70 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin reveals why he replaced Russia’s defense minister #trump #ukraine #russia #election #war #news #2024 #DRC #Rwanda #uk #immigration #world #ai #chatgpt #gpt #india #kenya— Udev (@BagorikundaD) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @BagorikundaD via (@mikenov) / Twitter

#TNT #TANG NETWORK OA – 0x528A8986aD0BbF67B92A9Df48023Efe3b27e4f98— r0b1n🇬🇧uk (@r0b1nuk1) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @r0b1nuk1 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Vladimir Putin tells Chinese media he is prepared to negotiate an end to the Ukraine conflict – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Президент Зурабишвили и оппозиция объединят усилия для победы прозападных сил на выборах— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s Kremlin rivals – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s war machine reshuffle – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s war machine reshuffle – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter, common sense ANALYSIS!#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

The question of what Shoigu’s removal will mean is a bit trickier, but it may also be a case of Putin neutralising an ally who has become too powerful. The Kremlin reshuffle was initially interpreted as a much-needed anti-corruption clean-up within Russia’s security apparatus.…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Vladimir Putin | World | The Guardian— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
В СМИ рассказали о получении начальником кадрового главка МО взятки в виде коттеджа | Новости общества | Известия | 15.05.2024— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

«Коммерсантъ» узнал размер взятки, которую вменяют генералу Кузнецову — РБК— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Генерал-лейтенант Кузнецов и его «необыкновенная» взятка в 1 миллион долларов – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

US 🇺🇸 is working to send a 2nd Patriot Air Defense Battery to Ukraine 🇺🇦 with radars, reports BloombergUkraine will have 2x Patriots from US, 3x Patriots from Germany 🇩🇪 and 1-2x SAMP-Ts from France 🇫🇷 and Italy 🇮🇹— Ukraine Battle Map (@ukraine_map) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @ukraine_map via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Michael Cohen: “Mr. Trump claimed [his medical deferment] was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery…He finished the conversation with the following comment: ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’”…— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump)…
posted 3d ago by @RpsAgainstTrump via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Белый дом: если закон об «иноагентах» пройдет, то США пересмотрят отношения с Грузией— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter

100 Hxmas terrorists were eliminated today, on Israel’s Independence Day.— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Lt Gen Kuznetsov and his “extraordinary” $1M bribe – GS – Another top Russian Defense Ministry official is arrested on … WSYR › news › international › ap-ru…23 hours ago — Lt. Gen. Yury Kuznetsov, the 55-year-old chief of…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Lt Gen Kuznetsov and his “extraordinary” 1 million dollars bribe – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Блинкен объявил о выделении Украине военной помощи на $2 млрд. Об этом госсекретарь США сообщил во время пресс-конференции с участием министра иностранных дел Украины Дмитрия Кулебы в Киеве.Украинские войска противостоят наступлению в Харьковской области, и США спешно…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Вскоре после инаугурации Путина и утверждения Федеральным собранием нового правительства, был запланирован первый официальный визит в Китай. В первую официальную делегацию войдут сам Путин и другие ключевые политические и деловые фигуры его двора. По старой традиции, новое…— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @KarissonGerry via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Live update: Erdogan claims Israel will seek to occupy parts of Turkey if it defeats Hamas— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @TOIAlerts via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The apparent reason for the arrest: When he came to this post just last year, Lt Gen Kuznetsov removed an FSB counterintelligence officer who traditionally served as the deputy of the position. Conflict between FSB & MoD ensued. Now that Shoigu is gone, the FSB pounced. Turf war.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Блинкен в Киеве: Россия должна заплатить за разрушения в Украине. “За восстановление того, что разрушил Путин, Россия должна – обязана – заплатить. Этого требует международное право. И этого заслуживает украинский народ. Наш Конгресс дал нам полномочия конфисковывать российские…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
putin – Google Search –— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Check out this article:— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
זה מה שאיש דת מוסלמי בריטי כותב על הבוגדים מפנים שלנו ומה שאנחנו צריכים לעשות איתם 👇הוא צודק במאה אחוז.— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @DrEliDavid via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
Audio and Video Review

North Korean leader: “We need to prepare for a nuclear war” – Selected Articles Review


 North Korean leader: “We need to prepare for a nuclear war”

posted at 22:01:49 UTC via

#Kanal13 #likekanal13 #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US!
North Korea is preparing for nuclear war by intensively building up its strategic deterrent. It is obliged to do this by the recent situation in the sphere of global security.
According to the local news agency KCNA, this statement was made by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during a visit to the North Korean defense industry enterprise, which is considered the leading one.
“Kim Jong-un noted that the need to build up overwhelming forces to deter nuclear war will have to be even more seriously recognized in response to the state security situation that has arisen due to the reckless machinations of military confrontation on the part of enemies”, – said in a media report.
According to the North Korean leader, Pyongyang needs to prepare for a nuclear war so that the enemy does not dare to play with fire. He believes that, having made sure of the full combat readiness of the North Korean Armed Forces, the enemy will fear a direct military clash with them. Kim Jong-un notes that nuclear weapon is an effective deterrent to war.
During his visit to the defense enterprise, the North Korean leader carefully examined its production activities.
The North Korean military also test-launched a ballistic missile equipped with a new navigation system. It was its test that was the purpose of the launch, which was organized by the country’s Main Rocket Directorate. The launch of the missile was observed by Chairman of State Affairs of the North Korea Kim Jong-un.
The situation on the Korean Peninsula is more dangerous than it has been at any time since early June 1950. That may sound overly dramatic, but it is believed that, like his grandfather in 1950, Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war. We do not know when or how Kim plans to pull the trigger, but the danger is already far beyond the routine warnings in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo about Pyongyang’s “provocations.”

Selected Articles – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader – The News And Times

#Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US! North Korea is preparing for nuclear war by intensively building up its strategic deterrent. It is obliged to do this by the recent situation in the sphere of global security. According to the local news agency KCNA,…
posted 4m ago by Kanal13 via Kanal13AZ
Estonian Prime Minister explains why Ukraine has not received sufficient support  Ukrainska Pravda
posted 4m ago via “Ukraine” – Google News
“Russians never leave,” or how Azerbaijan proved the opposite – Aze.Media  Aze Media

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posted 18m ago by Forbes Breaking News via Forbes Under 30

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#Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US! – click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &…
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Fearing disaster for Israel, Gantz issues an ultimatum, but he doesn’t have the votes  The Times of Israel

Benny Gantz votes during Israel’s last elections in November 2022. Photo: Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty ImagesMinister Benny Gantz, a notable member of Israel’s war cabinet, gave an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday and said his party will leave the government if the cabinet doesn’t approve a strategy for the war in Gaza by June…
posted 6m ago via
FBI warns of possible threats to LGBTQ+ events during Pride Month  Daily Kos
posted 5h ago via “fbi” – Google News

On Monday, May 20, the Contact Group on Defense Assistance to Ukraine will hold its 22nd meeting, which will take place in virtual mode.
posted 5h ago by Censor.NET via Censor.NET – News

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy believes that Ukraine has prospects for a new counteroffensive, but first it is necessary to stabilize the situation at the front.
posted 5h ago by Censor.NET via Censor.NET – News

Strikes by Ukrainian drones on Russian energy infrastructure at the beginning of this year disabled 14% of Russia’s oil refining capacity and led to an increase in domestic fuel prices.
posted 5h ago by Censor.NET via Censor.NET – News

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that after deoccupation, Crimea will become one of the best places to live in Europe.
posted 5h ago by Censor.NET via Censor.NET – News
Sinister declassified CIA operations  MSN
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Xi and Putin: A far from self-evident friendship  Le Monde
President Biden rejects additional debates against Trump  New York Post
posted 6h ago via “Biden” – Google News
If Putin wins in Ukraine, the British economy will be in the firing line  The Guardian

Pope Francis visited Verona on Saturday for a one-day pastoral visit to an event that calls to prayer and for peace in the world. (AP video shot by Luigi Navarra and Veronica Andrea Sauchelli) Subscribe: Read more:​This video may be available for archive licensing via
posted 8h ago by Associated Press via Associated Press

The 1959 Castro-led revolution installed an atheist, Communist government that sought to replace the Catholic Church as the guiding force in the lives of Cubans. But 65 years later, religion seems omnipresent in Cuba, in dazzling diversity. #shorts #Cuba #AfroCuban #religion #Catholicism #Judaism
posted 7h ago by Associated Press via Associated Press
“His mood recently has been delusional and dangerous,” one government minister tells Haaretz about Netanyahu. “He’s lost it, and we’re all going down with him. In his view, everyone can pay any price as long as he survives”— (@haaretzcom) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥 Russia: Close-up of another Ukrainian drone striking the already burning Rosneft oil refinery in Tuapse.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 6h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

❗️Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили заявила, что наложила вето на закон об “иноагентах”. Ранее она упоминала о таком намерении в интервью DW. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – сказала Саломе Зурабишвили.…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Georgia’s president vetoes media legislation that has provoked weeks of protests  The Associated Press
AP correspondent Julie Walker reports on the storm that hit Texas with two EF1 tornadoes Friday, leaving at least 7 people dead.
posted 5h ago by The Associated Press via AP Audio Wire
💥 Russia: Massive attack on the port of Novorossiysk by Ukrainian drones from both sea and air. What remained of the Russian Black Sea fleet was largely stashed away in this port. The eyewitness yells “They blew up the port!”— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 4h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Journalist Viv Groskop argues the West bears some responsibility for the rise of Putin. 📻 Listen to Times Radio – 📍 Subscribe to our channel – 🗞 Subscribe to The Times 📲 Get the free…
posted 4h ago by Times Radio via Times Radio
South Brooklyn stands for Israel; electeds & community leaders rally for release of hostages held by Hamas this Sunday  Brooklyn Daily Eagle

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posted 4h ago via

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Владимир Путин на этой неделе прибыл в Пекин — это был первый после инаугурации международный визит первая поездка Путина Китай за шесть лет. В первый день визита Путин поговорил с Си Цзиньпином и выслушал поздравления с новым президентским сроком. Путин дал пресс-конференцию по итогам встреч с политиками КНР, там он упомянул назначение Белоусова и…
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– Владимир Путин перетасовал местами свое ближайшее окружение. Сергей Шойгу отправился в совет безопасности, Николай Патрушев стал советником, экономист Андрей Белоусов стал Министром обороны. Повышения получили сыновья друзей Путина – Патрушева и Ковальчука. – Сразу после инаугурации и перестановок в правительстве Путин со своими новыми министрами…
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In early 2019, Tate, who was stationed at the American embassy in Cairo, did a road trip across the American heartland with Egyptian officials. He hoped to get them to help expand the number of American companies who could certify meat exported to Egypt as halal, which means permitted for consumption by Muslims. But those plans came to halt when…
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Сегодня в программе Дипломатия с Тофиком Зульфугаровым: 00:00 Путин в Пекине – обманул нас Фукуяма, нет истории конца 05:20 Эл Гор, Евгений Примаков и Гейдар Алиев на Лиссабонском саммите ОБСЕ 20:00 история и сегодняшний день, путь Левона Липаретяна от дашнакского пионера до главы МИД 27:20 в каких вопросах Азербайджан надеялся на Россию 30:50…
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May 16 (Reuters) – Pope Francis said his conservative critics within the Roman Catholic Church in the United States are trapped in a “suicidal attitude,” according to an interview with CBS.During the April 24 interview with “60 Minutes” that will air this Sunday, Pope Francis was asked his thoughts on the conservative backlash against his papacy, with…
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Friends are disgusted after his corruption trial defense threw her under the bus. One said they fear for her survival as she battles breast cancer.
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New York was always a city known for being impersonal, but the situation has recently become far, far worse.
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The country’s health minister says there is a ‘positive prognosis’ for the Prime Minister’s health his condition is classified as stable, but still serious. Slovakia’s Prime Minister has undergone another operation and remains in intensive care at a hospital in central Slovakia. Robert Fico was shot multiple times on Wednesday by a 71 year-old-man…
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King Charles met David Beckham last week, but not Prince Harry 📻 Listen to Times Radio – 📍 Subscribe to our channel – 🗞 Subscribe to The Times 📲 Get the free Times Radio app
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Give Ukraine long-range missiles to hit Russian targets, German minister says – POLITICO— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) May 18, 2024
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Doctors treating Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico now say they will not be able to move him to the country’s capital in the coming days. But they say he is in a serious but stable condition. Mr Fico is being treated in a small town hospital close to where he was shot on Wednesday. The man charged with attempting to murder Mr Fico has been in court…
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Sen. Bob Menendez traded power for gold, cash, prosecutor alleges  KNOP
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Search settingsSearch historySavingSafeSearchBlurring onLanguageEnglishDark themeDevice defaultMore settingsSend feedbackHelp • Privacy • Terms Search ResultsTrump Is Unlikely…
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Michael_Novakhov shared this story . MeduzaПатрушева называли самым влиятельным силовиком России, а теперь он — помощник Путина по «кораблестроению». Похожую должность получил Дюмин, хотя ему прочили пост министра обороны. Что…
posted 1d ago by Michael_Novakhov via Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠

Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Search settingsSearch historySavingSafeSearchBlurring onLanguageEnglishDark themeDevice defaultMore settingsSend feedbackHelp • Privacy • Terms Search ResultsTrump Is Unlikely to Abandon…
posted 1w ago by Michael_Novakhov via Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠

Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Search settingsSearch historySavingSafeSearchBlurring onLanguageEnglishDark themeDevice defaultMore settingsHow News WorksSend feedbackHelp • Privacy • Terms Search ResultsBulgarianMilitary.comRussia…
Putin appoints Belousov as Russia’s defence minister  Ukrinform
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The suspect in the attack on Slovak PM is to appear in a Special Court for hearing. #fico #slovakia #livenews #englishnews n18oc_world n18oc_crux CRUX is your daily video news guide to the big events that are shaping our world. We track news, geopolitics, diplomacy and defence strategies and explain how they shape national policies. Crux…
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RU – Владимир Путин боится толпы, протестов и свободных народов не просто так, а из-за случая, который произошел с ним в Дрездене в 1989 году. Тогда еще молодой агент Штази и КГБ Путин был свидетелем “Осени народов”. Более того, к нему за ответом пришел народ. Подробнее о событиях в Дрездене и том, как они повлияли на будущего диктатора, смотрите в…
posted 8h ago by УНІАН via УНІАН

#Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US! – click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &…
posted 8h ago by Kanal13 via Kanal13AZ

Ч.т.д. Генерал Кузнецов взят под стражу за взятку в особо крупном размере: “Главным следственным управлением СК России возбуждено уголовное дело в отношении начальника управления кадров Министерства обороны РФ Юрия Кузнецова. Он подозревается в получении взятки в особо крупном размере (ч.6 ст. 290 УК РФ). По данным следствия, в 2021 – 2023 годах,…
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Подписывайтесь на канал Сергея Жирнова – @SergueiJirnov RU – Кто стоит за покушением на премьера Словакии? Почему визит Путина в Китай обернулся позорным провалом дипломатии Кремля? Сколько протянет в должности новый министр обороны РФ Белоусов? Эти вопросы обсудили в эфире программы “Тайны с Жирновым” Алексей Лихман и писатель, бывший разведчик…
posted 9h ago by УНІАН via УНІАН

RU – Визит Путина в Китай стал катастрофой для России. Мало того, что всех кремлевских гостей унизительно пометили, так еще и самого деда нарекли “ишаком”. Масло в огонь подлило и то, что ВСУ обломали “блицкриг” армии РФ на Харьков. Подробности показал и рассказал на своем канале журналист Роман Цимбалюк @RomanTsymbaliuk До сих пор не подписаны…
posted 9h ago by УНІАН via УНІАН

Putin Says Russia Is Carving Out Buffer Zones Around Kharkiv Russia’s President Vladimir Putin said that Russian forces are carving out buffer zones around Ukraine’s Kharkiv. He said this during his state visit to China. Putin has turned to China and its leader, Xi Jinping, to get support for his war economy. He also said that Russia is not looking…
posted 8h ago by Firstpost via Firstpost

Канал засновника правозахисного проекту Володимира Осєчкіна @MrGulagunet в Telegram – Підписатися на Інстаграм Володимира Осєчкіна можна тут ❗ Друзі, обов’язково підписуйтесь на канал Даші Щасливої @dashaschastlivaya 👉…
posted 9h ago via

Смена министра обороны и коррупционные дела против членов военного руководства стали сенсацией для россиян. Какие громкие дела запущены против верхушки военного ведомства, что сейчас происходит с Минобороны РФ по мнению экспертов, кто может уйти в отставку после назначения нового министра обороны Андрей Белоусов? =========================================…
posted 9h ago via

Суд в Москве арестовал начальника управления кадров Минобороны России Юрия Кузнецова. Следственный комитет обвиняет его во взятке в особо крупном размере. При обыске дома у чиновника нашли более 100 миллионов рублей наличными. При Шойгу Юрий Кузнецов руководил управлением кадров Минобороны России и занимал должность начальника 8-го управления Генерального…
posted 10h ago via

Protesters attend a daily demonstration of solidarity with Ukraine at the Main Square in Krakow, Poland on August 13, 2023.NurPhoto | Getty ImagesGermany is showing cross-party support for defending Ukraine’s border regions from NATO territories.NATO is currently focused on providing additional defense aid to Kyiv.A German politician said the Western…
posted 12h ago by Rebecca Rommen via Business Insider
Orthodox patriarch anticipates Pope Francis visit to Turkey for Council of Nicea anniversary  Catholic News Agency
posted 23h ago by watzlvoj via Bloggers, Unite!
CBS Evening News Anchor Norah O’Donnell Interviews Pope Francis  Inside Edition
posted 23h ago by watzlvoj via Bloggers, Unite!
What You Need to Know About New Vatican Norms on Supernatural Phenomena  National Catholic Register
posted 23h ago by watzlvoj via Bloggers, Unite!

Also, Francis Ford Coppola has no regrets about his new film.
posted 23h ago by Justin Porter via The New York Times

By Illia Novikov | Associated Press KYIV, Ukraine — Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday during a visit to China that Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region aims to create a buffer zone but that there are no plans to capture the city. The remarks were Putin’s first on the offensive launched May 10, which opened a new…
posted 23h ago by The Associated Press via The Mercury News
On 17 May, as part of his state visit to Azerbaijan, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko together with Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev visited the country’s territories, being rebuilt after the conflict.In the morning, Aleksandr Lukashenko flew to Fuzuli. He was met by Ilham Aliyev at the airport. The President of Azerbaijan briefed his Belarusian…
posted 23h ago via

By Margaret Brennan, Andres Triay, Nicole Sganga, Olivia Gazis, Camilla Schick, Sam Vinograd May 17, 2024 / 6:11 PM EDT / CBS News The State Department on Friday issued a worldwide caution security alert, warning of “the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests.” The threat warning…
posted 23h ago via

This past week was an eventful one for Russia at war with the West. On May 7, Vladimir Putin was inaugurated for the fifth time as president of Russia in an elaborate ceremony that ended with Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church intoning “God willing, the end of the century will mean the end of your stay in power.” (In the year 2100, Putin…
posted 23h ago via

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Wednesday agreed to hold two campaign debates — the first on June 27 hosted by CNN and the second on Sept. 10 hosted by ABC — setting the stage for their first presidential face-off to play out in just over a month.The quick agreement on the timetable followed the Democrat’s…
posted 1d ago via

Секс-работница из Нью-Йорка откровенно рассказала, как попала в индустрию “для взрослых” и с какими страшными ситуациями она сталкивалась. Сьюзи, которая жила в Бушуике, а после перебралась в Филадельфию, дала интервью Мэтту Каллену, ведущему YouTube-шоу Our Queer Life. Она рассказала ему…
posted 1d ago via ИноСМИ
Nancy Pelosi described ongoing security threats and DePape’s resonance with the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Sponsored. “Reports …
Dick Durbin called for Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.
6, 2021, Capitol attack and lied at trial to cover up his actions. Bozell broke through police lines guarding a northwest staircase, smashed …
4 dead as severe storms hit Houston area; hundreds of thousands lose power in Texas  NBC NewsHouston-area power outages: Hundreds of thousands of CenterPoint Energy customers without electricity following damaging storms  KTRK-TVTornado Caught On Surveillance Camera – Videos from The Weather Channel  The Weather ChannelPowerful Winds From Houston Storms…
posted 1d ago via Recent News Stories

The Israeli military says the bodies of three hostages killed during the Oct. 7 terrorist raid have been discovered in Gaza. CBS New York political reporter Marcia Kramer has the story.
posted 1d ago by CBS New York via CBS New York
U.S. offers aid as Zelensky drops foreign trip due to Russian advance  The Washington Post

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region aims to create a buffer zone but has no plans to capture the city. Videos Putin says Russia wants buffer zone in Ukraine’s Kharkiv but has no plans to capture the city Russian President Vladimir Putin says that Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine’s…
posted 1d ago via

Amid a flurry of changes in the Russian government this week as Vladimir Putin carries out his post-inaugural reshuffle, something strange and potentially dangerous happened in Chechnya: Ramzan Kadyrov’s longtime righthand man, Magomed Daudov, suddenly up and quit.“After a meeting with the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, I decided to resign…
posted 1d ago via
Russia and China to sign Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline contract ‘in near future’, says Novak  Reuters
posted 1d ago via Russia – Google News

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s post-inauguration cabinet reshuffle and military purge has raised speculation that he’s looking to consolidate power as he prepares for a much longer war in Ukraine. Putin named economist Andrei Belousov as Moscow’s defense chief, replacing long-serving Sergei Shoigu. Shoigu, in turn, was made secretary of…
posted 1d ago by Mike Nova via Links – The News And Times
US says sending military “trainers” to Ukraine is “inevitable”  bne IntelliNews
posted 1d ago via “Ukraine” – Google News

The prosecution in the Trump hush money trial apparently plans to rest its case on Friday after the testimony of Michael Cohen. The news is surprising. It’s highly unusual for prosecutors to rest without introducing at least some evidence showing that the charges against the defendant are valid. Former President Donald Trump apparently is an…
posted 1d ago by Frank Snyder via Opinion

User reports indicate problems at X (Twitter) X (previously Twitter) is a microblog that allows users to publish shorter, less text messages. Twitter users can post their tweets across multiple devices and platforms. This includes iPhone, Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone devices and traditional computers. This heat map shows where user-submitted…
posted 1d ago via

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s post-inauguration cabinet reshuffle and military purge has raised speculation that he’s looking to consolidate power as he prepares for a much longer war in Ukraine. Putin named economist Andrei Belousov as Moscow’s defense chief, replacing long-serving Sergei Shoigu. Shoigu, in turn, was made secretary of Russia’s…
posted 1d ago via

With reports that the infamous private military company Wagner was attempting to recruit Serbian volunteers to fight for Russia in Ukraine, Serbia’s controversial relationship with Russia is once again making international headlines. The news sparked alarm in Western capitals, which pressured Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to put an immediate end…
posted 1d ago via
What the Wagner Mercenaries’ Row Reveals About Serbia’s Relations with Russia  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

LIVE Zвизец мангусту с Михаилом Самусем 00:00 имитация наступления на Харьков, цель Волчанск 06:50 откуда вопли – все украли, линию обороны не построили, ничего не сделали 09:50 где можно стрелять оккупантов – гитарист Блинкен и странное заявление минобороны 17:20 Харьков Путин больше не хочет и про кадровые изменения в РФ 21:10 Путин в Китае…
posted 1d ago by Новости Кавказа (GSAC) via Новости Кавказа GSAC
Mirzoyan: Armenia reaffirms its commitment to stable peace in the South Caucasus  APA
Putin in China: Xi Jinping Calls for Deeper Ties with Russia Against US  Firstpost

Владимир Путин ответил на вопросы представителей российских СМИ по итогам своего двухдневного государственного визита в Китайскую Народную Республику. Часть встречи была посвящена вопросам войны в Украине. Путин заявил, что до острой фазы конфликта на Украине был в постоянном контакте с Зеленским. А на вопрос о легитимности Зеленского должна…
posted 1d ago by AKIpress news via AKIpress news
Ex-Albanian president warns Biden that Russia seeks to ‘undermine European values and foundations’ in region  Yahoo! Voices

WASHINGTON, May 17 (Reuters) – Some of Donald Trump’s allies are assembling proposals to curtail the Justice Department’s independence and turn the nation’s top law enforcement body into an attack dog for conservative causes, nine people involved in the effort told Reuters.If successful, the overhaul could represent one of the most consequential actions…
posted 1d ago via

BEIJING/MOSCOW, May 16 (Reuters) – China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin on Thursday pledged a “new era” of partnership between the two most powerful rivals of the United States, which they cast as an aggressive Cold War hegemon sowing chaos across the world.Xi greeted Putin on a red carpet outside the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, where…
posted 1d ago via

SKIP ADVERTISEMENTThe LatestOpening StatementsKey PlayersThe ChargesMenendez’s Political FutureAn F.B.I. agent, testifying for the government, described his search of Senator Robert Menendez’s house in New Jersey.Listen to this article · 5:31 min Learn moreJurors in the corruption trial of Senator Robert Menendez on Thursday were handed plastic bags…
posted 1d ago via

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping have issued a one-sentence statement about nuclear war as part of their “new era” strategic partnership.Putin and Xi announced plans to deepen their partnership on Thursday, issuing a statement addressing their position on a number of issues facing the world, ranging from questions about…
posted 1d ago via

Moscow says it will keep pushing its offensive in Ukraine, though NATO doubts Russia has the resources to make a significant breakthrough. ADVERTISEMENTNATO’s top military officer has said Russia’s armed forces are incapable of any major advance.“The Russians don’t have the numbers necessary to do a strategic breakthrough,” NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander…
posted 1d ago via

The need for good intelligence has never been more visible. The failure of the Israeli security services to anticipate the brutal surprise attack carried out by Hamas on Oct. 7, 2023 reveals what happens when intelligence goes wrong. In contrast, in late February 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s planned three-day “special military operation”…
posted 2d ago via
Former FBI agent: ‘We have to want to have less firearms violence, or we won’t have it.’  WILX
posted 2d ago via “fbi” – Google News
Ukraine says it has checked Russia’s offensive in a key town, but Moscow says it will keep pushing  Yahoo! Voices
posted 2d ago via Russia – Google News

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s order for nuclear weapon drills went public on May 6, the day after Orthodox Easter—a bitter irony since he styles himself a fervent guardian of Christian values, which do not include the simulation of nuclear annihilation the last time I checked. I wonder whether he signed the order before or after his much-publicized…
posted 2d ago via

When Yoav Gallant recorded a televised statement criticising Israel’s judicial reforms in March 2023, Benjamin Netanyahu sacked him. A few days later, after massive street protests, the defence minister was reinstated.Mr Gallant has again taken to the television to criticise the Israel Prime Minister, this time over the lack of a ‘day-after plan’ for…
posted 2d ago via

Watch top headlines of the hour: – New Caledonia: France sends troops – Xi & Putin condemn US – UK to ban gender identity teaching – Microsoft asks some China staff to relocate – Toshiba to cut up to 4,000 jobs in Japan #beijing #putin #jinping About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis….
posted 2d ago by WION via WION

On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was openly questioned regarding post-war plans for the Gaza Strip by his own Defense Chief, who vowed to resist Israel’s long-term military rule over the wrecked Palestinian enclave. Watch to know more. #israelhamaswar #gaza #netanyahu About Channel: WION The World is One News examines…
posted 2d ago by WION via WION

Russian President Vladimir Putin is in the China on his first foreign visit after being re-elected and sworn in as Russia’s president. The Russian president has brought a large delegation consisting of five deputy prime ministers, heads of economic, diplomatic and security agencies – along with a number of CEO’s. There will also be a closed door meeting…
posted 2d ago by WION via WION

Barge Slams Into Texas Bridge, Triggering Oil Spill | Subscribe to Firstpost A barge collided with the Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston, Texas, causing an oil spill in the water. The crash damaged the only bridge connecting Pelican Island to Galveston city. Aerial footage shows part of the bridge collapsed onto the barge, with oil leaking into…
posted 2d ago by Firstpost via Firstpost

U.S.WorldBusinessArtsLifestyleOpinionAudioGamesCookingWirecutterThe AthleticSKIP ADVERTISEMENTVideoCreditCredit…Charles DesmaraisBy Alexander GabuevVladimir Putin’s trip to Beijing this week, where he will meet with Xi Jinping and top Chinese officials, is another clear demonstration of the current closeness between Russia and China.Yet many in the…
posted 2d ago via

Haaretz | Israel NewsAnalysis | Hoping to ensure the survival of his government until November, the prime minister once again pulled out the ‘conscription law’ ploy. In desperation, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant gave the public a glimpse of the most sensitive strategic discussions and made it clear to Netanyahu: You better come to your senses – and…
posted 2d ago via

AnalysisLaura BickerChina correspondent in BeijingReutersCopyright: ReutersThe Chinese President Xi Jinping and his guest President Vladimir Putin will enjoy a concert together as they end their day of warm words about “deepening their partnership”. But the language from Beijing has not reached the lofty heights of Moscow’s initial statement, which…
posted 2d ago via

BEIJING/MOSCOW, May 16 (Reuters) – Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned what they cast as increasingly aggressive U.S. behaviour on Thursday and pledged to deepen their countries’ already close defence and military ties.In a clear snub to Washington, whose top diplomat flew into China last month to try to persuade…
posted 2d ago via
Joe Biden and Donald Trump agree to debate twice, with round one less than six weeks away on CNN. Michael Cohen returns to the witness stand, ready to be branded a liar again by Trump’s defense team. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are together in Beijing, pledging to deepen their partnership.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
posted 2d ago by CNN via CNN This Morning

Updated on: May 16, 2024 / 7:51 AM EDT / CBS/AP Beijing — Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Chinese leader Xi Jinping for his efforts to resolve the war in Ukraine at a Beijing summit on Thursday, where the two leaders reaffirmed a “no-limits” partnership that has grown as both countries face rising tension with the West. Putin’s two-day…
posted 2d ago via

SKIP ADVERTISEMENTThe LatestPhotosMaps: Russia’s OffensivePutin’s ‘Victory’ MessageA Crack in Ukraine’s LineUkraine’s Air DefensesChina’s backing will be crucial to President Vladimir V. Putin as he intensifies his offensive in Ukraine. But his host, Xi Jinping, has other competing priorities.Listen to this article · 7:25 min Learn moreVideoXi Jinping…
posted 2d ago via

Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, China, October 18, 2023. Sputnik/Sergei Guneev/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabMOSCOW, May 16 (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing early on Thursday for…
posted 2d ago via
NPR News: 05-15-2024 4PM EDT Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy

Mass deportations, expanded presidential power and a civil service that emphasizes loyalty to the chief executive: here are the things Donald Trump hopes to pursue in a second term. This episode: White House correspondent Asma Khalid, White House correspondent Franco Ordoñez, and political reporter Stephen Fowler. This podcast was produced by…

As trust in institutions plummets and as many people search for shared values, what is the state of American identity? Today, in a special episode of “Post Reports,” we feature a live discussion about the importance of identity in a changing world. Read more: In a live podcast taping, “Post Reports” hosts Martine Powers and Elahe Izadi sit…
FBI, Homeland Security warn of possible threats to LGBTQ events, including Pride Month activities  The Associated Press
posted 3d ago via “fbi” – Google News
Terror Groups May Be Targeting Pride Events, FBI Warns  Lavender Magazine
posted 3d ago via “fbi” – Google News
Honoring the fallen: Over 100,000 officers attacked in line of duty, FBI says  News3LV
posted 3d ago via “fbi” – Google News

Almost 1,700 Ukrainian civilians are currently being held in places of detention across the Russian Federation, while approximately 14,000 others are considered to be missing.
posted 3d ago via Latest news – UkrInform
Stormy Daniels’ husband says they’ll likely leave the US if Trump is acquitted  The Guardian US
posted 3d ago via trump – Google News
Putin replaces Shoigu as Russia’s defense minister as he starts his 5th term  WGAU
posted 3d ago via “shoigu” – Google News
Putin replaces Shoigu as Russia’s defense minister as he starts his 5th term  Torrington Register Citizen
posted 3d ago via “shoigu” – Google News
Ukrainian forces have managed to stabilize the situation in Kharkiv Oblast over the past day amid Russia’s attempts to break through and repelled attacks in the Vovchansk direction; and more.— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @KyivIndependent via The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) / Twitter

CBS New York’s Christine Sloan has the latest from Manhattan.
posted 3d ago by CBS New York via CBS New York

The summit, which will take place on Sept. 18 and 19, will bring together a wide range of experts and leaders from across the country to better understand urban rats and how to lower their populations. CBS New York’s Chris Wragge reports.
posted 3d ago by CBS New York via CBS New York

(NewsNation) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have both agreed to a debate on June 27, 2024, on CNN and one on Sept. 10, 2024, on ABC. Biden first announced he had agreed to the debate on X, formerly known as Twitter, and Trump told Fox News digital reporter Brooke Singman he also agreed. CNN then officially announced…
posted 3d ago by Brett Samuels via NewsNation Now
Ukrainian intelligence disrupts Tatarstan’s networks in major cyber attack — NV source  Yahoo News Canada
However, inside, the home has been masterfully redefined as a contemporary residence by New York-based architecture firm Leroy Street Studio.
Germany’s far-right AfD under mounting pressure – DW – 05/14/2024  DW (English)
posted 3d ago via “Germany” – Google News
Iranian Man Facing Execution Did Not Kill IRGC Colonel, Sources Reveal  ایران اینترنشنال
posted 3d ago via “iran” – Google News

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg tells CBS News there will be a lot to learn about infrastructure and vessel traffic from the National Transportation Safety Board’s preliminary report on the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Buttigieg also said the Biden administration will defend itself in a lawsuit filed by several airlines over fee…
posted 3d ago via Home –
U.S. does not encourage strikes on Russian soil but it’s Ukraine that decides, Blinken says  Ukrinform

There was an expectation that the appointment of Vladimir Putin’s new government would see some change in the Russian security apparatus, but few predicted that Russia’s defence minister Sergei Shoigu would be replaced by an economist, Andrey Belousov, with Shoigu becoming secretary of the Security Council. With an economist taking over the defence…
posted 3d ago via

When the Russian defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, was removed from his post and appointed head of the security council this week, there were two big questions on everyone’s mind. What would his successor, Andrei Belousov, bring to the table, and what would happen to the former head of the security council, Nikolai Patrushev – reputed to be the second…
posted 3d ago via

Главный кадровик Минобороны получил взятку огромным коттеджем в Краснодаре. Генерал-лейтенант принял подарок в обмен на «общее покровительство» и помощь с заключением госконтрактов на проживание военнослужащих Юрий Кузнецов (Фото: Минобороны РФ) Начальника главного управления кадров Минобороны генерал-лейтенанта Юрия…
posted 3d ago via

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in China this week is the latest sign of deepening strategic ties between both sides.   Putin will make a two-day state visit to China from Thursday at the invitation of Xi, it was announced on Tuesday. This will be the Russian leader’s first overseas trip since Putin kicked off…
posted 3d ago via

Chinese leader Xi Jinping will welcome Vladimir Putin to China on Thursday for the Russian president’s second visit in less than a year – the latest sign of their growing alignment amid hardening global fault lines as conflict devastates Gaza and Russia makes advances in Ukraine. …
posted 3d ago via

The Biden administration’s transfer of long-range weaponry to Ukraine came with the stipulation that these arms not be used against targets within Russia.
posted 3d ago by Kyiv Post via KyivPost
Russia says it downed 10 US-supplied missiles over Crimea as Blinken visits Kyiv  Moneycontrol
Russia says it downed 10 US-supplied missiles over Crimea as Blinken visits Kyiv  New York Post

By moving Sergei Shoigu and promoting key allies, Russia’s leader is shoring up the military-industrial complex that justifies his survivalWhen the Russian defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, was removed from his post and appointed head of the security council this week, there were two big questions on everyone’s mind. What would his successor, Andrei…
posted 3d ago by Samantha de Bendern via Russia and Ukraine News Review
Different Fates With Shoigu, Foreign Minister Lavrov To Head Of Intelligence Naryshkin Detained By President Putin  VOI English
Putin to Discuss Ukraine and Energy With Xi in China  U.S. News & World Report
Putin meeting Xi after UK warns China and Russia pose ‘immediate threats’ to world  Express
Plea deals for men charged in James “Whitey” Bulger’s prison killing  Yahoo! Voices
Three prisoners accused of killing Boston mob boss James ‘Whitey’ Bulger agree to plea deals, prosecutors say  AOL

Lt. Gen. Yuri Kuznetsov became the second senior defense official to be detained on an accusation of corruption in the past month.
posted 4d ago by Anatoly Kurmanaev via NYT > World
Cohen details Trump ‘pressure campaign’ during FBI investigation: ‘Don’t flip’  NewsNation Now

Ministers Of Azerbaijan And Malta Hold A Press Conference After Meeting In Baku
Legal issues aside, the glimpses into how he conducts his personal life may be sending their own message to voters.
posted 4d ago by Aaron Blake via Post Politics
Poland to boost intelligence services amid rising Russian threat  Al Arabiya English
Fraught relations with Tehran, which faces sanctions over its atomic programme, appear to be easing
posted 4d ago by Feed Informer via Israel News Review
The News And Times Information Network – Blogs By Michael Novakhov –
Current Searches

Aurora Borealis: The God’s (aka The Absolute, Hashem, Allah, etc.) response to the Putin’s – ROC crazy, ridiculous, ignorant FASCIST HOMOPHOBIA – News Review In 100 Tweets


Aurora Borealis: The God’s (aka The Absolute, Hashem, Allah, etc.) response to the Putin’s – ROC crazy, ridiculous, ignorant FASCIST HOMOPHOBIA: THE RAINBOW PEOPLE ARE MY PEOPLE TOO, AND THE MOST BELOVED ONES! KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF THEM! – Google Search

Tweets – The News And Times Review –

Michael Novakhov on X: “Recent Searches – 5.18.24 News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 1h ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Recent Searches – 5.18.24 Aurora Borealis: The God’s (aka The Absolute, Hashem, Allah, etc.) response to the Putin’s – ROC crazy, ridiculous, ignorant FASCIST HOMOPHOBIA: THE RAINBOW PEOPLE ARE MY PEOPLE TOO, AND THE MOST BELOVED ONES! KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 1h ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Michael Novakhov on X: “Recent Searches – 5.18.24 News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @mikenov via #NewsAndTimes / Twitter Search

Recent Searches – 5.18.24 moscow crocus city hall attack investigation – Google Searchputin – Google SearchRussian MOD – Google Searchmoscow crocus city hall attack investigation – Google Searchnovorossiysk – Google SearchNovorossiysk hit in massive drone…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

BREAKING Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu states that he rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of a normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia.— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
LIVE UPDATES: Gantz says his party will resign from Netanyahu’s wartime government if post-war plan for Gaza isn’t presented by June 8— (@haaretzcom) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Gantz to Netanyahu: If you lead the nation to the abyss, we will withdraw from the government. Giving Netanyahu until June 8 to come up with a more clear war program or he will leave the government.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
🔥 Russia: Massive industrial fire in Saint Petersburg.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

⚡️ Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili said she vetoed the law on “foreign agents””This law in its essence, in its spirit is a Russian law that contradicts our Constitution and all European standards and thus represents an obstacle on our European path,” Zourabichvili said…— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @nexta_tv via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Starlink отключились при наступлении РФ под Харьковом, и это помешало украинцам отслеживать перемещение сил РФ, пишет The Washington Post. Спутниковые системы вышли из строя в первый день российского наступления в области, говорится в материале. По данным WP, такое отключение…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 17, 2024
posted 2h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥 Russia: Massive attack on the port of Novorossiysk by Ukrainian drones from both sea and air. What remained of the Russian Black Sea fleet was largely stashed away in this port. The eyewitness yells “They blew up the port!”— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 4h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

❗️Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили заявила, что наложила вето на закон об “иноагентах”. Ранее она упоминала о таком намерении в интервью DW. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – сказала Саломе Зурабишвили.…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Russia seizes Deutsche Bank and UniCredit assetsThe Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg has seized real estate, securities, and accounts belonging to Deutsche Bank. In aggregate, the court blocked assets worth more than €238 million at the request of RusHimAlliance, a…— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @nexta_tv via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥 Russia: Close-up of another Ukrainian drone striking the already burning Rosneft oil refinery in Tuapse.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 6h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter
“His mood recently has been delusional and dangerous,” one government minister tells Haaretz about Netanyahu. “He’s lost it, and we’re all going down with him. In his view, everyone can pay any price as long as he survives”— (@haaretzcom) May 18, 2024
posted 7h ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter

💥Ukraine destroyed the entire jet fuel storage facility at Russia’s Belbek airbase in occupied Crimea. Capacity was reportedly 450,000 liters. The adjacent building housing fuel trucks also destroyed, incapacitating any near-term operations from this base.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 18, 2024
posted 7h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

IDF UPDATE JABALIA: 200 terrorists dead Recent clashes in the northern Gaza town of Jabaliya are being characterized by military officials as some of the fiercest since the ongoing conflict began. Hxmas militants have been launching a significant number of RPGs at Israeli tanks…— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 17, 2024…
posted 7h ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 17, 2024
posted 1d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @RpsAgainstTrump via (@mikenov) / Twitter

По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @IlyaYashin via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Доклад вассала недоволному хозяину.Во время своего доклада #Си #Путин упомянул обо всех жопализаниях, которые он предпринимал только для того, чтобы задобрить своего хозяина. Кроме того, в своем докладе #Путин также упомянул послания, которые, скорее всего, были переданы…— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @KarissonGerry via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin in China 2024 – News Review In 100 Tweets— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Forged Red Cross Humanitarian Passport that allowed Nazi Adolf Eichman entry into Argentina where he lived until captured by #Mossad agents in 1960Taken back to Israel to face #Holocaust crimes he was sentenced to death and Executed in 1962 aged 56— leefer (@leefer3) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @leefer3 via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Putin in China 2024 – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
U.S Intelligence Is Under Assault from Left and Right— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
gallant vs netanyahu – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
gallant, israel and netanyahu – Google Search –— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Зеленский приехал в Харьков, на который пытается наступать Россия— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Украинские радикальные националисты не угрожают миру в Украине, уверены в МИД Германии.”Именно российский империализм лежит в основе агрессивной войны России против Украины, нарушающей международное право, и угрожает безопасности в Европе”, – говорится в ответе министерства…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
A strong show of unity on display in Beijing via @BBCNews— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
putin and xi – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Российско-китайские переговоры • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Российско-китайские переговоры • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Россия продолжает экспортировать нефть в ЕС через Турцию, утверждает Politico. Как выяснило издание, Греция вывозит из Турции российскую нефть, несмотря на уверения Афин, что грузы с российской маркировкой не принимаются. Расследователи пришли к выводу, что формально схема…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Заявления для прессы по итогам российско-китайских переговоров • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Note two paper clips: a signal of close Intelligence Services Cooperation?-Заявления для прессы по итогам российско-китайских переговоров • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

⚡️Volodymyr #Zelensky said that the funds allocated by the U.S. for #Kyiv are not sent to #Ukraine but instead invested in the U.S. economy.”These funds are spent on U.S. factories. We are fighting not only for our freedom,” he told ABC News.— KyivPost (@KyivPost) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @KyivPost via (@mikenov) / Twitter
For the sake of Israel’s future, listen to Gallant. Again | Haaretz Editorial— (@haaretzcom) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Jordan king says militant groups smuggling drugs, arms should be confronted.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Israeli defense chief’s message to Netanyahu, the artful fraudster: You’re to blame / Yossi Verter— (@haaretzcom) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Blood libel against Jews never went away; they just evolved. Here are the forms they’ve taken in the modern-day.Analysis by @MOhadIsrael Full story > >— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Решение Евросоюза о начале переговоров о вступлении Грузии в блок, скорее всего, будет отложено на неопределенный срок, если закон об “иноагентах” в стране вступит в силу. Об этом сообщает издание Financial Times со ссылкой на трех европейских чиновников.Как рассказал один из…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Ukraine’s ex-president Yushchenko has asserted that no Ukrainian politician would give up territory in order to end the war. It would be a “big mistake” for the U.S. & Europe to expect such a deal. It would only embolden Putin to attack again— Tat Atfender 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🌻 (@TatAtfender) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @TatAtfender via (@mikenov) / Twitter
From the grave, Prigozhin gets his revenge. Here’s what we know about Putin’s new defense minister and what it means for the war in Ukraine. 🧵1/14— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) May 15, 2024
posted 2d ago by @khodorkovsky_en via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin in China LIVE: Russia’s Vladimir Putin meets with China’s Xi Jinpi… via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Vladimir Putin meets Xi Jinping in China: cartoons – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin and Xi Jinping— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin-Xi Summit – The New York Times— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Not sure if I’m this pessimistic, but please read this op-ed entitled “Putin could now defeat Ukraine within months”. A real wake up call.— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Billbrowder via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The Imam of the Grand Mosque of Mecca and the Patriarch of Constantinople were among the speakers at an interreligious convention in Portugal.— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @VaticanNews via (@mikenov) / Twitter
‘We must power forward’ says Chief of Staff Halevi to IDF soldiers in RafahRead more >>— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
WATCH LIVE: Intelligence agencies testify in Senate hearing on foreign threats to 2024 election— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @NewsHour via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Russian oil, it seems, is arriving en masse to the EU via Turkey.And it’s all legal. 🔗— POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @POLITICOEurope via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили в интервью DW подтвердила свое намерение наложить вето на принятый парламентом в третьем чтении закон об “иноагентах”. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – подчеркнула она…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Владимир Путин едет в Китай на встречу с Си Цзиньпином. Карикатура DW – о распределении ролей в тандеме Москва – Пекин— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Парламент Эстонии принял закон­­, позволяющий передать Киеву замороженные активы РФ. Эстония стала первой страной, принявшей такой правовой акт. “Россия – государство-агрессор. Возмещение нанесенного им в ходе военных действий ущерба не должно лечь на плечи Украины и ее…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
#Putin backs #China’s ‘plan’ for peace in #Ukraine @POLITICOEurope— Helen Dee 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (@helendee70) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @helendee70 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin reveals why he replaced Russia’s defense minister #trump #ukraine #russia #election #war #news #2024 #DRC #Rwanda #uk #immigration #world #ai #chatgpt #gpt #india #kenya— Udev (@BagorikundaD) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @BagorikundaD via (@mikenov) / Twitter

#TNT #TANG NETWORK OA – 0x528A8986aD0BbF67B92A9Df48023Efe3b27e4f98— r0b1n🇬🇧uk (@r0b1nuk1) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @r0b1nuk1 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Vladimir Putin tells Chinese media he is prepared to negotiate an end to the Ukraine conflict – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Президент Зурабишвили и оппозиция объединят усилия для победы прозападных сил на выборах— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s Kremlin rivals – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s war machine reshuffle – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s war machine reshuffle – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter, common sense ANALYSIS!#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

The question of what Shoigu’s removal will mean is a bit trickier, but it may also be a case of Putin neutralising an ally who has become too powerful. The Kremlin reshuffle was initially interpreted as a much-needed anti-corruption clean-up within Russia’s security apparatus.…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Vladimir Putin | World | The Guardian— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
В СМИ рассказали о получении начальником кадрового главка МО взятки в виде коттеджа | Новости общества | Известия | 15.05.2024— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

«Коммерсантъ» узнал размер взятки, которую вменяют генералу Кузнецову — РБК— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Генерал-лейтенант Кузнецов и его «необыкновенная» взятка в 1 миллион долларов – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

US 🇺🇸 is working to send a 2nd Patriot Air Defense Battery to Ukraine 🇺🇦 with radars, reports BloombergUkraine will have 2x Patriots from US, 3x Patriots from Germany 🇩🇪 and 1-2x SAMP-Ts from France 🇫🇷 and Italy 🇮🇹— Ukraine Battle Map (@ukraine_map) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @ukraine_map via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Michael Cohen: “Mr. Trump claimed [his medical deferment] was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery…He finished the conversation with the following comment: ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’”…— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump)…
posted 3d ago by @RpsAgainstTrump via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Белый дом: если закон об «иноагентах» пройдет, то США пересмотрят отношения с Грузией— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter

100 Hxmas terrorists were eliminated today, on Israel’s Independence Day.— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Lt Gen Kuznetsov and his “extraordinary” $1M bribe – GS – Another top Russian Defense Ministry official is arrested on … WSYR › news › international › ap-ru…23 hours ago — Lt. Gen. Yury Kuznetsov, the 55-year-old chief of…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Lt Gen Kuznetsov and his “extraordinary” 1 million dollars bribe – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Блинкен объявил о выделении Украине военной помощи на $2 млрд. Об этом госсекретарь США сообщил во время пресс-конференции с участием министра иностранных дел Украины Дмитрия Кулебы в Киеве.Украинские войска противостоят наступлению в Харьковской области, и США спешно…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Вскоре после инаугурации Путина и утверждения Федеральным собранием нового правительства, был запланирован первый официальный визит в Китай. В первую официальную делегацию войдут сам Путин и другие ключевые политические и деловые фигуры его двора. По старой традиции, новое…— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @KarissonGerry via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Live update: Erdogan claims Israel will seek to occupy parts of Turkey if it defeats Hamas— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @TOIAlerts via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The apparent reason for the arrest: When he came to this post just last year, Lt Gen Kuznetsov removed an FSB counterintelligence officer who traditionally served as the deputy of the position. Conflict between FSB & MoD ensued. Now that Shoigu is gone, the FSB pounced. Turf war.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

Блинкен в Киеве: Россия должна заплатить за разрушения в Украине. “За восстановление того, что разрушил Путин, Россия должна – обязана – заплатить. Этого требует международное право. И этого заслуживает украинский народ. Наш Конгресс дал нам полномочия конфисковывать российские…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
putin – Google Search –— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Check out this article:— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
זה מה שאיש דת מוסלמי בריטי כותב על הבוגדים מפנים שלנו ומה שאנחנו צריכים לעשות איתם 👇הוא צודק במאה אחוז.— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @DrEliDavid via (@mikenov) / Twitter
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North Korean leader: “We need to prepare for a nuclear war” – Selected Articles Review


 North Korean leader: “We need to prepare for a nuclear war”

posted at 22:01:49 UTC via

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North Korea is preparing for nuclear war by intensively building up its strategic deterrent. It is obliged to do this by the recent situation in the sphere of global security.
According to the local news agency KCNA, this statement was made by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un during a visit to the North Korean defense industry enterprise, which is considered the leading one.
“Kim Jong-un noted that the need to build up overwhelming forces to deter nuclear war will have to be even more seriously recognized in response to the state security situation that has arisen due to the reckless machinations of military confrontation on the part of enemies”, – said in a media report.
According to the North Korean leader, Pyongyang needs to prepare for a nuclear war so that the enemy does not dare to play with fire. He believes that, having made sure of the full combat readiness of the North Korean Armed Forces, the enemy will fear a direct military clash with them. Kim Jong-un notes that nuclear weapon is an effective deterrent to war.
During his visit to the defense enterprise, the North Korean leader carefully examined its production activities.
The North Korean military also test-launched a ballistic missile equipped with a new navigation system. It was its test that was the purpose of the launch, which was organized by the country’s Main Rocket Directorate. The launch of the missile was observed by Chairman of State Affairs of the North Korea Kim Jong-un.
The situation on the Korean Peninsula is more dangerous than it has been at any time since early June 1950. That may sound overly dramatic, but it is believed that, like his grandfather in 1950, Kim Jong Un has made a strategic decision to go to war. We do not know when or how Kim plans to pull the trigger, but the danger is already far beyond the routine warnings in Washington, Seoul and Tokyo about Pyongyang’s “provocations.”

Selected Articles – Michael Novakhov’s favorite articles on Inoreader – The News And Times

#Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US! North Korea is preparing for nuclear war by intensively building up its strategic deterrent. It is obliged to do this by the recent situation in the sphere of global security. According to the local news agency KCNA,…
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#Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US! – click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &…
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posted 8h ago by Associated Press via Associated Press

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posted 6h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

❗️Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили заявила, что наложила вето на закон об “иноагентах”. Ранее она упоминала о таком намерении в интервью DW. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – сказала Саломе Зурабишвили.…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
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💥 Russia: Massive attack on the port of Novorossiysk by Ukrainian drones from both sea and air. What remained of the Russian Black Sea fleet was largely stashed away in this port. The eyewitness yells “They blew up the port!”— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 4h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter

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#Kanal13​ #likekanal13​ #subscribekanal13 #warinukraine – SUBSCRIBE TO US! – click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &…
posted 8h ago by Kanal13 via Kanal13AZ

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Also, Francis Ford Coppola has no regrets about his new film.
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By Illia Novikov | Associated Press KYIV, Ukraine — Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday during a visit to China that Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region aims to create a buffer zone but that there are no plans to capture the city. The remarks were Putin’s first on the offensive launched May 10, which opened a new…
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This past week was an eventful one for Russia at war with the West. On May 7, Vladimir Putin was inaugurated for the fifth time as president of Russia in an elaborate ceremony that ended with Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church intoning “God willing, the end of the century will mean the end of your stay in power.” (In the year 2100, Putin…
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The Israeli military says the bodies of three hostages killed during the Oct. 7 terrorist raid have been discovered in Gaza. CBS New York political reporter Marcia Kramer has the story.
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U.S. offers aid as Zelensky drops foreign trip due to Russian advance  The Washington Post

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine’s Kharkiv region aims to create a buffer zone but has no plans to capture the city. Videos Putin says Russia wants buffer zone in Ukraine’s Kharkiv but has no plans to capture the city Russian President Vladimir Putin says that Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine’s…
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Amid a flurry of changes in the Russian government this week as Vladimir Putin carries out his post-inaugural reshuffle, something strange and potentially dangerous happened in Chechnya: Ramzan Kadyrov’s longtime righthand man, Magomed Daudov, suddenly up and quit.“After a meeting with the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, I decided to resign…
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Russia and China to sign Power of Siberia-2 gas pipeline contract ‘in near future’, says Novak  Reuters
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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s post-inauguration cabinet reshuffle and military purge has raised speculation that he’s looking to consolidate power as he prepares for a much longer war in Ukraine. Putin named economist Andrei Belousov as Moscow’s defense chief, replacing long-serving Sergei Shoigu. Shoigu, in turn, was made secretary of…
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The prosecution in the Trump hush money trial apparently plans to rest its case on Friday after the testimony of Michael Cohen. The news is surprising. It’s highly unusual for prosecutors to rest without introducing at least some evidence showing that the charges against the defendant are valid. Former President Donald Trump apparently is an…
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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s post-inauguration cabinet reshuffle and military purge has raised speculation that he’s looking to consolidate power as he prepares for a much longer war in Ukraine. Putin named economist Andrei Belousov as Moscow’s defense chief, replacing long-serving Sergei Shoigu. Shoigu, in turn, was made secretary of Russia’s…
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With reports that the infamous private military company Wagner was attempting to recruit Serbian volunteers to fight for Russia in Ukraine, Serbia’s controversial relationship with Russia is once again making international headlines. The news sparked alarm in Western capitals, which pressured Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to put an immediate end…
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Russian President Vladimir Putin shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, China, October 18, 2023. Sputnik/Sergei Guneev/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabMOSCOW, May 16 (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Beijing early on Thursday for…
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NPR News: 05-15-2024 4PM EDT Learn more about sponsor message choices: NPR Privacy Policy

Mass deportations, expanded presidential power and a civil service that emphasizes loyalty to the chief executive: here are the things Donald Trump hopes to pursue in a second term. This episode: White House correspondent Asma Khalid, White House correspondent Franco Ordoñez, and political reporter Stephen Fowler. This podcast was produced by…

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Terror Groups May Be Targeting Pride Events, FBI Warns  Lavender Magazine
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Honoring the fallen: Over 100,000 officers attacked in line of duty, FBI says  News3LV
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Almost 1,700 Ukrainian civilians are currently being held in places of detention across the Russian Federation, while approximately 14,000 others are considered to be missing.
posted 3d ago via Latest news – UkrInform
Stormy Daniels’ husband says they’ll likely leave the US if Trump is acquitted  The Guardian US
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Putin replaces Shoigu as Russia’s defense minister as he starts his 5th term  WGAU
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Putin replaces Shoigu as Russia’s defense minister as he starts his 5th term  Torrington Register Citizen
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Ukrainian forces have managed to stabilize the situation in Kharkiv Oblast over the past day amid Russia’s attempts to break through and repelled attacks in the Vovchansk direction; and more.— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @KyivIndependent via The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) / Twitter

CBS New York’s Christine Sloan has the latest from Manhattan.
posted 3d ago by CBS New York via CBS New York

The summit, which will take place on Sept. 18 and 19, will bring together a wide range of experts and leaders from across the country to better understand urban rats and how to lower their populations. CBS New York’s Chris Wragge reports.
posted 3d ago by CBS New York via CBS New York

(NewsNation) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have both agreed to a debate on June 27, 2024, on CNN and one on Sept. 10, 2024, on ABC. Biden first announced he had agreed to the debate on X, formerly known as Twitter, and Trump told Fox News digital reporter Brooke Singman he also agreed. CNN then officially announced…
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Ukrainian intelligence disrupts Tatarstan’s networks in major cyber attack — NV source  Yahoo News Canada
However, inside, the home has been masterfully redefined as a contemporary residence by New York-based architecture firm Leroy Street Studio.
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Iranian Man Facing Execution Did Not Kill IRGC Colonel, Sources Reveal  ایران اینترنشنال
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U.S. does not encourage strikes on Russian soil but it’s Ukraine that decides, Blinken says  Ukrinform

There was an expectation that the appointment of Vladimir Putin’s new government would see some change in the Russian security apparatus, but few predicted that Russia’s defence minister Sergei Shoigu would be replaced by an economist, Andrey Belousov, with Shoigu becoming secretary of the Security Council. With an economist taking over the defence…
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When the Russian defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, was removed from his post and appointed head of the security council this week, there were two big questions on everyone’s mind. What would his successor, Andrei Belousov, bring to the table, and what would happen to the former head of the security council, Nikolai Patrushev – reputed to be the second…
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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in China this week is the latest sign of deepening strategic ties between both sides.   Putin will make a two-day state visit to China from Thursday at the invitation of Xi, it was announced on Tuesday. This will be the Russian leader’s first overseas trip since Putin kicked off…
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Chinese leader Xi Jinping will welcome Vladimir Putin to China on Thursday for the Russian president’s second visit in less than a year – the latest sign of their growing alignment amid hardening global fault lines as conflict devastates Gaza and Russia makes advances in Ukraine. …
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The Biden administration’s transfer of long-range weaponry to Ukraine came with the stipulation that these arms not be used against targets within Russia.
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Russia says it downed 10 US-supplied missiles over Crimea as Blinken visits Kyiv  Moneycontrol
Russia says it downed 10 US-supplied missiles over Crimea as Blinken visits Kyiv  New York Post

By moving Sergei Shoigu and promoting key allies, Russia’s leader is shoring up the military-industrial complex that justifies his survivalWhen the Russian defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, was removed from his post and appointed head of the security council this week, there were two big questions on everyone’s mind. What would his successor, Andrei…
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Three prisoners accused of killing Boston mob boss James ‘Whitey’ Bulger agree to plea deals, prosecutors say  AOL

Lt. Gen. Yuri Kuznetsov became the second senior defense official to be detained on an accusation of corruption in the past month.
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Poland to boost intelligence services amid rising Russian threat  Al Arabiya English
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Why is France accusing Azerbaijan of meddling in its Pacific territory of New Caledonia?



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France’s government has no doubt that Azerbaijan is stirring tensions in New Caledonia despite the vast geographical and cultural distance between the hydrocarbon-rich Caspian state and the French Pacific territory.

Issued on:

3 min

Azerbaijan vehemently rejects the accusation it bears responsibility for the riots that have led to the deaths of five people and rattled the Paris government.

But it is just the latest in a litany of tensions between Paris and Baku and not the first time France has accused Azerbaijan of being behind an alleged disinformation campaign.

The riots in New Caledonia, a French territory lying between Australia and Fiji, were sparked by moves to agree a new voting law that supporters of independence from France say discriminates against the indigenous Kanak population.

Paris points to the sudden emergence of Azerbaijani flags alongside Kanak symbols in the protests, while a group linked to the Baku authorities is openly backing separatists while condemning Paris.

Read moreColonial past haunts latest New Caledonia crisis

“This isn’t a fantasy. It’s a reality,” French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told television channel France 2 when asked if Azerbaijan, China and Russia were interfering in New Caledonia.

“I regret that some of the Caledonian pro-independence leaders have made a deal with Azerbaijan. It’s indisputable,” he alleged.

But he added: “Even if there are attempts at interference… France is sovereign on its own territory, and so much the better”.

‘Stand in solidarity’

“We completely reject the baseless accusations,” Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry spokesman Ayhan Hajizadeh said.

“We refute any connection between the leaders of the struggle for freedom in Caledonia and Azerbaijan.”

In images widely shared on social media, a reportage broadcast Wednesday on the French channel TF1 showed some pro-independence supporters wearing T-shirts adorned with the Azerbaijani flag.

Tensions between Paris and Baku have grown in the wake of the 2020 war and 2023 lightning offensive that Azerbaijan waged to regain control of its breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region from ethnic Armenian separatists.

France is a traditional ally of Christian Armenia, Azerbaijan’s neighbour and historic rival, and is also home to a large Armenian diaspora.

Darmanin said Azerbaijan – led since 2003 by President Ilham Aliyev, who succeeded his father Heydar – was a “dictatorship”.

On Wednesday, the Paris government also banned social network TikTok from operating in New Caledonia.

Tiktok, whose parent company is Chinese, has been widely used by protesters. Critics fear it is being employed to spread disinformation coming from foreign countries.

Azerbaijan invited separatists from the French territories of Martinique, French Guiana, New Caledonia and French Polynesia to Baku for a conference in July 2023.

Read moreHow France became the target of Azerbaijan’s smear campaign

The meeting saw the creation of the “Baku Initiative Group”, whose stated aim is to support “French liberation and anti-colonialist movements”.

The group published a statement this week condemning the French parliament’s proposed change to New Caledonia’s constitution, which would allow outsiders who moved to the territory at least 10 years ago the right to vote in its elections.

Pro-independence forces say that would dilute the vote of Kanaks, who make up about 40 percent of the population.

“We stand in solidarity with our Kanak friends and support their fair struggle,” the Baku Initiative Group said.

‘Massive campaign’

Raphael Glucksmann, the lawmaker heading the list for the French Socialists in June’s European Parliament elections, told Public Senat television that Azerbaijan had made “attempts to interfere… for months”.

He said the underlying problem behind the unrest was a domestic dispute over election reform, not agitation fomented by “foreign actors”.

But he accused Azerbaijan of “seizing on internal problems.”

A French government source, who asked not to be named, said pro-Azerbaijani social media accounts had on Wednesday posted an edited montage purporting to show two white police officers with rifles aimed at dead Kanaks.

“It’s a pretty massive campaign, with around 4,000 posts generated by (these) accounts,” the source told AFP.

“They are reusing techniques already used during a previous smear campaign called Olympia.” 

In November, France had already accused actors linked to Azerbaijan of carrying out a disinformation campaign aimed at damaging its reputation over its ability to host the Olympic Games in Paris. Baku also rejected these accusations.


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LIVE UPDATES: Gantz says his party will resign from Netanyahu’s wartime government if post-war plan for Gaza isn’t presented by June 8— (@haaretzcom) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Gantz to Netanyahu: If you lead the nation to the abyss, we will withdraw from the government. Giving Netanyahu until June 8 to come up with a more clear war program or he will leave the government.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
🔥 Russia: Massive industrial fire in Saint Petersburg.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter
⚡ Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili said she vetoed the law on “foreign agents””This law in its essence, in its spirit is a Russian law that contradicts our Constitution and all European standards and thus represents an obstacle on our European path,” Zourabichvili said…— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 18, 2024
posted 2h ago by @nexta_tv via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Starlink отключились при наступлении РФ под Харьковом, и это помешало украинцам отслеживать перемещение сил РФ, пишет The Washington Post. Спутниковые системы вышли из строя в первый день российского наступления в области, говорится в материале. По данным WP, такое отключение…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 17, 2024
posted 2h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥 Russia: Massive attack on the port of Novorossiysk by Ukrainian drones from both sea and air. What remained of the Russian Black Sea fleet was largely stashed away in this port. The eyewitness yells “They blew up the port!”— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 4h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter
❗Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили заявила, что наложила вето на закон об “иноагентах”. Ранее она упоминала о таком намерении в интервью DW. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – сказала Саломе Зурабишвили.…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Russia seizes Deutsche Bank and UniCredit assetsThe Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg has seized real estate, securities, and accounts belonging to Deutsche Bank. In aggregate, the court blocked assets worth more than €238 million at the request of RusHimAlliance, a…— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 18, 2024
posted 6h ago by @nexta_tv via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥 Russia: Close-up of another Ukrainian drone striking the already burning Rosneft oil refinery in Tuapse.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 17, 2024
posted 6h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter
“His mood recently has been delusional and dangerous,” one government minister tells Haaretz about Netanyahu. “He’s lost it, and we’re all going down with him. In his view, everyone can pay any price as long as he survives”— (@haaretzcom) May 18, 2024
posted 7h ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
💥Ukraine destroyed the entire jet fuel storage facility at Russia’s Belbek airbase in occupied Crimea. Capacity was reportedly 450,000 liters. The adjacent building housing fuel trucks also destroyed, incapacitating any near-term operations from this base.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 18, 2024
posted 7h ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter
IDF UPDATE JABALIA: 200 terrorists dead Recent clashes in the northern Gaza town of Jabaliya are being characterized by military officials as some of the fiercest since the ongoing conflict began. Hxmas militants have been launching a significant number of RPGs at Israeli tanks…— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 17, 2024…
posted 7h ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Israel’s ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan told the UN Security Council that freeing the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza should be at the top of their agendas.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 17, 2024
posted 1d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, on his former boss: “The depth of his dishonesty is just astounding to me. …He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @RpsAgainstTrump via (@mikenov) / Twitter
По телеку в бараке иногда показывают Дмитрия Кисилёва, который в истеричной манере разъясняет те или иные государственные решения. Интересно послушать, если хочешь понять, какая именно сейчас картина мира в голове Путина. Очень показателен, например, комментарий Киселёва про…— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @IlyaYashin via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Доклад вассала недоволному хозяину.Во время своего доклада #Си #Путин упомянул обо всех жопализаниях, которые он предпринимал только для того, чтобы задобрить своего хозяина. Кроме того, в своем докладе #Путин также упомянул послания, которые, скорее всего, были переданы…— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @KarissonGerry via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin in China 2024 – News Review In 100 Tweets— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Forged Red Cross Humanitarian Passport that allowed Nazi Adolf Eichman entry into Argentina where he lived until captured by #Mossad agents in 1960Taken back to Israel to face #Holocaust crimes he was sentenced to death and Executed in 1962 aged 56— leefer (@leefer3) May 16, 2024
posted 1d ago by @leefer3 via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin in China 2024 – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
U.S Intelligence Is Under Assault from Left and Right— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
gallant vs netanyahu – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
gallant, israel and netanyahu – Google Search –— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Зеленский приехал в Харьков, на который пытается наступать Россия— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Украинские радикальные националисты не угрожают миру в Украине, уверены в МИД Германии.”Именно российский империализм лежит в основе агрессивной войны России против Украины, нарушающей международное право, и угрожает безопасности в Европе”, – говорится в ответе министерства…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
A strong show of unity on display in Beijing via @BBCNews— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
putin and xi – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Российско-китайские переговоры • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Российско-китайские переговоры • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Россия продолжает экспортировать нефть в ЕС через Турцию, утверждает Politico. Как выяснило издание, Греция вывозит из Турции российскую нефть, несмотря на уверения Афин, что грузы с российской маркировкой не принимаются. Расследователи пришли к выводу, что формально схема…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Заявления для прессы по итогам российско-китайских переговоров • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Note two paper clips: a signal of close Intelligence Services Cooperation?-Заявления для прессы по итогам российско-китайских переговоров • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
⚡Volodymyr #Zelensky said that the funds allocated by the U.S. for #Kyiv are not sent to #Ukraine but instead invested in the U.S. economy.”These funds are spent on U.S. factories. We are fighting not only for our freedom,” he told ABC News.— KyivPost (@KyivPost) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @KyivPost via (@mikenov) / Twitter
For the sake of Israel’s future, listen to Gallant. Again | Haaretz Editorial— (@haaretzcom) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Jordan king says militant groups smuggling drugs, arms should be confronted.— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Israeli defense chief’s message to Netanyahu, the artful fraudster: You’re to blame / Yossi Verter— (@haaretzcom) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @haaretzcom via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Blood libel against Jews never went away; they just evolved. Here are the forms they’ve taken in the modern-day.Analysis by @MOhadIsrael Full story > >— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Решение Евросоюза о начале переговоров о вступлении Грузии в блок, скорее всего, будет отложено на неопределенный срок, если закон об “иноагентах” в стране вступит в силу. Об этом сообщает издание Financial Times со ссылкой на трех европейских чиновников.Как рассказал один из…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Ukraine’s ex-president Yushchenko has asserted that no Ukrainian politician would give up territory in order to end the war. It would be a “big mistake” for the U.S. & Europe to expect such a deal. It would only embolden Putin to attack again— Tat Atfender 🇺🇦🇨🇦🇫🇷🇺🇸🌻 (@TatAtfender) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @TatAtfender via (@mikenov) / Twitter
From the grave, Prigozhin gets his revenge. Here’s what we know about Putin’s new defense minister and what it means for the war in Ukraine. 🧵1/14— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) May 15, 2024
posted 2d ago by @khodorkovsky_en via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin in China LIVE: Russia’s Vladimir Putin meets with China’s Xi Jinpi… via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Vladimir Putin meets Xi Jinping in China: cartoons – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin and Xi Jinping— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin-Xi Summit – The New York Times— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 16, 2024
posted 2d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Not sure if I’m this pessimistic, but please read this op-ed entitled “Putin could now defeat Ukraine within months”. A real wake up call.— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Billbrowder via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The Imam of the Grand Mosque of Mecca and the Patriarch of Constantinople were among the speakers at an interreligious convention in Portugal.— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @VaticanNews via (@mikenov) / Twitter
‘We must power forward’ says Chief of Staff Halevi to IDF soldiers in RafahRead more >>— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Jerusalem_Post via (@mikenov) / Twitter
WATCH LIVE: Intelligence agencies testify in Senate hearing on foreign threats to 2024 election— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @NewsHour via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Совещание по вопросам развития оборонно-промышленного комплекса • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Russian oil, it seems, is arriving en masse to the EU via Turkey.And it’s all legal. 🔗— POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @POLITICOEurope via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Президент Грузии Саломе Зурабишвили в интервью DW подтвердила свое намерение наложить вето на принятый парламентом в третьем чтении закон об “иноагентах”. “Мы не хотим этого закона. Он не соответствует европейским ценностям и не приближает страну к Евросоюзу”, – подчеркнула она…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Владимир Путин едет в Китай на встречу с Си Цзиньпином. Карикатура DW – о распределении ролей в тандеме Москва – Пекин— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Парламент Эстонии принял закон­­, позволяющий передать Киеву замороженные активы РФ. Эстония стала первой страной, принявшей такой правовой акт. “Россия – государство-агрессор. Возмещение нанесенного им в ходе военных действий ущерба не должно лечь на плечи Украины и ее…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
#Putin backs #China’s ‘plan’ for peace in #Ukraine @POLITICOEurope— Helen Dee 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (@helendee70) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @helendee70 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin reveals why he replaced Russia’s defense minister #trump #ukraine #russia #election #war #news #2024 #DRC #Rwanda #uk #immigration #world #ai #chatgpt #gpt #india #kenya— Udev (@BagorikundaD) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @BagorikundaD via (@mikenov) / Twitter
#TNT #TANG NETWORK OA – 0x528A8986aD0BbF67B92A9Df48023Efe3b27e4f98— r0b1n🇬🇧uk (@r0b1nuk1) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @r0b1nuk1 via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Vladimir Putin tells Chinese media he is prepared to negotiate an end to the Ukraine conflict – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Президент Зурабишвили и оппозиция объединят усилия для победы прозападных сил на выборах— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s Kremlin rivals – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s war machine reshuffle – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Putin’s war machine reshuffle – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter, common sense ANALYSIS!#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The question of what Shoigu’s removal will mean is a bit trickier, but it may also be a case of Putin neutralising an ally who has become too powerful. The Kremlin reshuffle was initially interpreted as a much-needed anti-corruption clean-up within Russia’s security apparatus.…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Vladimir Putin | World | The Guardian— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
В СМИ рассказали о получении начальником кадрового главка МО взятки в виде коттеджа | Новости общества | Известия | 15.05.2024— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
«Коммерсантъ» узнал размер взятки, которую вменяют генералу Кузнецову — РБК— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Генерал-лейтенант Кузнецов и его «необыкновенная» взятка в 1 миллион долларов – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
US 🇺🇸 is working to send a 2nd Patriot Air Defense Battery to Ukraine 🇺🇦 with radars, reports BloombergUkraine will have 2x Patriots from US, 3x Patriots from Germany 🇩🇪 and 1-2x SAMP-Ts from France 🇫🇷 and Italy 🇮🇹— Ukraine Battle Map (@ukraine_map) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @ukraine_map via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Michael Cohen: “Mr. Trump claimed [his medical deferment] was because of a bone spur, but when I asked for medical records, he gave me none and said there was no surgery…He finished the conversation with the following comment: ‘You think I’m stupid, I wasn’t going to Vietnam.’”…— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump)…
posted 3d ago by @RpsAgainstTrump via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Белый дом: если закон об «иноагентах» пройдет, то США пересмотрят отношения с Грузией— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @GolosAmeriki via (@mikenov) / Twitter
100 Hxmas terrorists were eliminated today, on Israel’s Independence Day.— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @Osint613 via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter News And Times Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Lt Gen Kuznetsov and his “extraordinary” $1M bribe – GS – Another top Russian Defense Ministry official is arrested on … WSYR › news › international › ap-ru…23 hours ago — Lt. Gen. Yury Kuznetsov, the 55-year-old chief of…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Lt Gen Kuznetsov and his “extraordinary” 1 million dollars bribe – Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Блинкен объявил о выделении Украине военной помощи на $2 млрд. Об этом госсекретарь США сообщил во время пресс-конференции с участием министра иностранных дел Украины Дмитрия Кулебы в Киеве.Украинские войска противостоят наступлению в Харьковской области, и США спешно…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Вскоре после инаугурации Путина и утверждения Федеральным собранием нового правительства, был запланирован первый официальный визит в Китай. В первую официальную делегацию войдут сам Путин и другие ключевые политические и деловые фигуры его двора. По старой традиции, новое…— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @KarissonGerry via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Live update: Erdogan claims Israel will seek to occupy parts of Turkey if it defeats Hamas— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @TOIAlerts via (@mikenov) / Twitter
The apparent reason for the arrest: When he came to this post just last year, Lt Gen Kuznetsov removed an FSB counterintelligence officer who traditionally served as the deputy of the position. Conflict between FSB & MoD ensued. Now that Shoigu is gone, the FSB pounced. Turf war.— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @igorsushko via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Блинкен в Киеве: Россия должна заплатить за разрушения в Украине. “За восстановление того, что разрушил Путин, Россия должна – обязана – заплатить. Этого требует международное право. И этого заслуживает украинский народ. Наш Конгресс дал нам полномочия конфисковывать российские…— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 14, 2024
posted 3d ago by @dw_russian via (@mikenov) / Twitter
putin – Google Search –— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
Check out this article:— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @mikenov via (@mikenov) / Twitter
זה מה שאיש דת מוסלמי בריטי כותב על הבוגדים מפנים שלנו ומה שאנחנו צריכים לעשות איתם 👇הוא צודק במאה אחוז.— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) May 15, 2024
posted 3d ago by @DrEliDavid via (@mikenov) / Twitter
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Demoted Shoigu suffers fresh humiliation in China

Days after his removal from the defense minister post he held for over a decade, Sergei Shoigu faced a delayed entry into a Chinese government building because its security staff were not happy with his pass, it has been reported.

Shoigu had helped spearhead Vladimir Putin‘s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the role he had since 2012 before his boss surprised many by replacing him on Sunday May 12 with Andrei Belousov, an economist with little military experience.

Shoigu in turn has been appointed secretary of Russia’s Security Council and while still a big job, it is seen by many as a demotion from the high-profile role he held as one of the faces of the war that Putin started.

But being in a delegation of officials accompanying Putin on a state visit to China where the Russian leader held talks with his ally Xi Jinping on Thursday was not enough for Shoigu to get automatic access to the seat of Chinese political power, according to the Russian newspaper Kommersant.

Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu

Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu at the Kremlin in Moscow on May 15, 2024. The former defense minister was denied entry into the Chinese parliament, according to a Russian media report.

Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu at the Kremlin in Moscow on May 15, 2024. The former defense minister was denied entry into the Chinese parliament, according to a Russian media report.

Vyacheslav Prokofyev/Getty Images

The newspaper’s special correspondent Andrei Kolesnikov said that the trip’s organizers were not satisfied with Shoigu’s pass granting entry to the building.

“They did not want to let Mr Shoigu into the House of the People’s Assembly at all,” Kolsenikov wrote. “The organizers were not satisfied with something.

“The Secretary of the Security Council had to wait more than one or two minutes before the issue was finally resolved in his favor,” the journalist wrote, adding that as he stood “at least 10 colleagues” were allowed in.

When Shoigu was eventually admitted, he participated in the talks sitting to the left of Putin, while foreign minister Sergei Lavrov sat on the president’s right, Kolesnikov said.

Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov told Russian state media that this was the most important meeting of the trip, but Kolesnikov noted in his piece Shoigu “was not at the enlarged meeting at all. Does this mean something significant?”

Newsweek has contacted the Russian defense ministry for comment.

Following his inauguration for a fifth term as president, Putin’s move to appoint a new defense minister sparked speculation that he wanted to align the country’s economy more closely with the war effort.

Independent Russian news outlet The Bell said that Putin’s decision to replace Shoigu for Belousov was “highly symbolic” and showed that defense-related spending is the top priority. “The Kremlin is gambling on a war of attrition, and this sort of war is won just as much by economic managers as soldiers,” The Bell said.

Shoigu has taken over the role of former director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Nikolai Patrushev whom Putin has appointed as a Kremlin aide.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

The post Demoted Shoigu suffers fresh humiliation in China first appeared on The News And Times Review –